The gist of the website is that it offers large collections of games for a price that you can choose yourself.

One of the lesser-known ways of scoring a great gaming bargain is through the Humble Bundle. Still, you can find some good deals here and there - for instance, PlayStation previously offered a whopping 50% off for GOTY nominee Deathloop as part of its Cyber Monday sales. Both the Xbox and PlayStation digital stores regularly feature discounts for their games, though these typically aren’t as impressive as Steam sales.

If you’re a console owner, you can also take advantage of seasonal discounts around the major holidays. For example, its winter sale takes place around Christmastime, with additional summer and autumn sales in June/July and October/November respectively. While the exact dates always shift around, Steam always tends to organize its sales events around the same time of the year. While deals for newer releases tend to be rather modest, you’re always guaranteed to find crazy discounts of up to 90% off on a number of highly acclaimed PC games. Several times a year, Valve’s Steam store holds sales events that discounts most of the games sold on the platform. In case you’re on the lookout for something more specific, we also have a roundup of the best Star Wars games as well as the best free VR experiences available. And ultimately, it won’t matter which gaming platform you prefer either, since there’s plenty of deals to go around, whether you’re using a PC, Xbox, PlayStation and even your mobile phone. The good news is that there are plenty of easy ways to save money on video games without really needing to compromise on the quality of titles that you play. After all, gaming is meant to be a source of relaxation and escapism, and it won’t exactly be helpful if it contributes to your stress levels instead. While inflation rates continue to rise, you shouldn’t let your favorite hobby break the bank. Between the flurry of hardware upgrades, new console releases, as well as full retail prices on games and various other products and accessories, the cost of gaming can add up quite quickly. Gaming is a great hobby to have, but it’s not exactly the cheapest one either.