By the time my first playthrough came to an end, I was kind of in shock at what I had done and witnessed and it made me much more careful and understanding during my second playthrough.Explore the dark side of online streaming Especially when you are somewhat in control of what is happening. Not because it is bad, but dealing with stuff like depression, self-harm and abuse can really leave a mark on you. I have to end this by warning you that Needy Streamer Online is a brutal game to play. Prepare For The Worst And Embrace The Best

I like how the graphics are kind of pixelated and it also has a soundtrack that is very fitting too. It is about pulling back the curtain and letting us see the real people behind these “fake” always happy internet personas and the toll that it has on their soul. However, the very clever thing about this game is that it is all a front. When you look at some screenshots or a trailer for Needy Streamer Online, it all looks very bright, colorful, friendly, and happy and to a degree it is. With one of those stats being mental darkness, you know the kind of places this game can go! The Bright And Dark You have different stats for her which are stress, mental darkness, affection, and followers. However, we also have private messages and we can do stuff outside of the stream like go on dates and help her relieve stress in some less than healthy ways. We get to experience the life of these two on stream by being in charge of monitoring her messages and so on. The gameplay of Needy Streamer Overload is pretty much that of a visual novel where you get to make various choices. Let me tell you, this is brilliantly written and brutal to experience! The Stream Of Life She has this alter ego called OMGkawaiiAnge who is perky, friendly, and an “internet angel” that people seem to love! The thing is, it is all fake and the weight of this is very hard for her to take. The thing is it is not really Ame that is on the screen. In Needy Streamer Overload, we play as Ame’s lover and we are “helping” her with her goal of becoming a very popular streamer. Our main character in the game is a chick who is a bit of a mess called, Ame. While it does have a bit of that, at its core this is a disturbing psychological horror style of game about mental illness that will make you question pretty much every decision you make, especially on your second play through of the game. I will admit, I did not do my research and I came into this game thinking it was going to be poking fun at the current streamer girl culture we have going on these days. I was not prepared for the emotional roller coaster that Needy Streamer Overload took me on.